
Hi friends! I am so happy that you're here! I'm Leigh Wolfe, the blogger here at Cheers To Our Lives. I grew up in Atlanta, GA, but I met my husband, Jay, while in school at Wofford College. Jay and I got engaged my senior year at Wofford and then found out we were pregnant with our sweet daughter, Hollings, a month and a half later (hehe oopsies). Now we all live in Durham, NC while Jay attends Duke Law School.

I started blogging in January 2019 when H was just 6 months old. I have many goals here. I want to share all of the tips and tricks that I have picked up while "mom-ing on a budget." I want to share easy recipes, inexpensive clothing, baby items that work or don't work. Most importantly, I want to provide encouragement to any other moms, younger or older, who feel like they just don't have it together (trust me, there are many days when I ask myself what the heck I am doing).

Thank you so much for stopping by my little space! I get really vulnerable here and really share my heart. The support I have gotten thus far means the world to me!