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Best Swaddles For Each Stage

Hollings is no longer swaddled – woohoo! She started sleeping through the night (after we did cry it out) at 4 months old, and we stopped swaddling her a little before 6 months old. I know that every baby is different, so if you are a new mama, take everything I’m about to tell you with a grain of salt, because what worked for Hollings might not work for your baby. I’m just telling you what was the best for us, so that hopefully you can get somewhat of a guideline!

0-1.5 Months: HALO® SleepSack® Newborn Multi-Way Cotton Swaddle

We never really used the good old fashioned blanket swaddle. I mean, of course we tried them out, but this swaddle was really just so much easier. It zips down the middle, and has two velcro flaps, or wings, that you can use to swaddle down the arms. You may also choose to let the arms free and just swaddle baby’s legs. This works for babies who like to sleep with their arms above their heads. When we were using this swaddle, we always swaddled Hollings’ arms as well. These swaddles are at Buy Buy Baby for $21.99.

1.5-3 Months: Love To Dream Swaddle UP Original

Once Hollings made it clear that she wanted a little more freedom when she was sleeping, we began to put her in this swaddle. This one is even easier than the last. It just zips up right down the middle. Easy Peasy. This is another good one for babies who like to sleep with their arms above their heads. This swaddle is at Target for $29.99.

3-6 Months: Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit

So this one might not be able to be considered a swaddle, but it is what we used from 3 months, up until she didn’t need to be swaddled anymore. This marshmallow looking suit is a life saver. We started her in the 3-6 month size, but by the time she was 4 months old, we switched her to the 6-9 month size. Hollings started rolling over around 3 months, but it wasn’t until she was almost 6 months old that she began to roll over in this sleep suit. It works almost like a weighted blanket. It is calming for infants, and keeps them from startling themselves in the middle of the night. Once Hollings started rolling over in her sleep, I decided that it was time to stop swaddling her all together, and just let her sleep whatever way she felt comfortable (at 6 months, SIDS isn’t really a thing, so my pediatrician gave me the green light to let Hollings sleep on her stomach). This sleep suit is at Target for $39.99.

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