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How To Integrate God and Worship Into Your Child’s Life

A few months back when I was answering some questions from my Instagram followers, I got one about what Jay and I are doing to integrate God into Hollings’ little life. I immediately thought about how this was something that I could have been doing WAY more of than I already was. I shared a couple of tips on my Instagram story in that moment, but as the days passed, I began to think more and more about this question. I know that I don’t remember ever having to ask my parents “Who is Jesus?”, because it was already so ingrained in my life. I want that to be the same for Hollings. 

I know that as she gets older, the questions will come, but I want the foundation to be there from the beginning. Below are a few ways to incorporate God in your child’s day to day life.

Christian Books

Right now, there are very few things that Hollings loves more than books. I can tell that she’s using them as a learning tool to figure out what things are. She has many Christian books already. They do a great job of telling different stories from the bible in a very easy way for kids to understand. I’ve linked a few of our favorites below.

Pray Together

Jay and I pray together before dinner every night, and now that Hollings is a little older, we can see the wheels are turning in her head as she watches us and tries to figure out what is going on. Lately she’s started to hold our hands when we pray and even tries to say “Amen” at the end. I have to admit it’s pretty cute.

I also pray out loud over Hollings every night when I put her down for bed. I want her to hear me praying for her and get used to this nightly ritual. If I remember, I also say the Lord’s prayer during this time. This is another one of those things that I don’t ever remember having to memorize. I have just known it from the time I was little from hearing my parents saying it. 

Take Your Children To Church

This may seem obvious, but there are some people out there who aren’t taking their kids to church, because of the hassle it is getting everyone ready and out the door. Kids need to see that this is a community they want to be a part of. They need the congregation, just like we do. 

Play Worship Music

I’m the type of person who ALWAYS has to have music playing. I mean I literally have music playing all day long. Now that Hollings is picking up on words easier, I have had to adjust what I’m listening to around her. I might not necessarily want to be playing Drake around her all the time, but I also can’t listen to Wheels on the Bus and Baby Shark all day either (or I might just go crazy). Worship music is great, because it’s music that I enjoy, but the lyrics are also ones that I want Hollings to be picking up on. 

Have Your Quiet Time In Front Of Your Children

This is one that I have talked about a lot with my Moms Group that I’m in. We’ve decided that this doesn’t have to be an ALL the time thing, because it is nice to just have one on one time with God. BUT every now and then, open up your Bible in front of your children. They’ll notice what you’re doing and see that it is important. 

Do A Nightly Devotional

My family did this together when I was growing up, and although Hollings is a little too young to really do it now, it is definitely something that I will do with her when she gets older. There are so many amazing children’s devotionals out there that cater to each age group, gender, etc.

Christian Summer Camps

This is another one that Hollings is too young for right now, but one that I will definitely push for when she gets older. Growing up, I went to Camp Crestridge For Girls in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Some of my fondest childhood memories are from my summers spent at this all girls sleep away camp. It was so refreshing year after year escaping the real world and being surrounded by God loving girls. If you went to a Christian girls camp, you know what I’m talking about. If you didn’t, I can’t tell you enough how much closer I felt to God when my parent’s would come pick me up at the end each session. 

I am constantly looking for more ideas when it comes to this topic, so if you think of any, please reach out to me! I hope you enjoyed these ideas and look back to them when you feel like you need to be doing more to show your children more about God and who He is.