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My Favorite Essential Oils

I feel like in the past few years, the buzz on essential oils has really grown. Essential oils are very (for lack of a better word) trendy. I hear so many people on social media talking about them and their benefits.

I started getting into essential oils myself about a year and a half ago. I had just gotten back from The Greenbrier, a resort in West Virginia. I went with Jay’s dad’s family. While we were there, Jay’s grandmother booked all of the ladies an aromatherapy massage, which was just simply amazing (and much needed as a new mom). We all celebrated Christmas together when we got back. Jay’s aunt was inspired by our spa day, and got me a defuser with an abundance of essential oils to go with it.

Since receiving this great gift, I have tried many essential oils, and I know exactly what I like to use each one for. I’m sure there are many people out there who are way more experienced and knowledgable on this topic than I am, but this is a good starting spot for those of you who might be interested in getting your feet wet in the world of essential oils.

I might as well start off by talking about my favorite essential oil. I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts about how I am a naturally very anxious person. Lavender is so good for calming down. I love to put a few drops in my defuser when I’m reading or having quiet time. I also find that on nights when for some reason or another I just can’t seem to fall asleep, putting a few drops of lavender oil directly on my wrists or neck helps me tremendously.

When Hollings comes down with a little cold, this is my go to. She’s not quite old enough to use cold medicine, so when I want something to help ease up her symptoms, this is great. They do make essential oils for babies that are a little lighter, and can go in a defuser. Since Eucalyptus is stronger, I usually just put a drop on a cotton ball and put it in her nursery. Just that is strong enough to help with her stuffed up nose.

If my eyelids start to get heavy when I’m trying to get stuff done around the house, I’ll put a few drops of any citrus oil into my defuser to perk me up a little bit. Grapefruit, lemon, or orange (my favorite citrus oil) all work for this.

Rosemary is so good for redness on the skin. If I every wake up with blotchy skin, acne, or just red discoloration, I just put a small amount of rosemary oil directly on my skin, and I can quickly tell a difference. I have also heard that lavender and oregano have the same effect, but I have not tried them for that.

I know that list was short and sweet, but like I said, there are people out there who can give you way more thorough and better information than I can. This is just my little list of the main oils I use in my day to day life. I hope that if you’re new to this topic, you find this information helpful.