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Bette’s Spaghetti Recipe

On my instagram, I share recipes on my story quite often. I have all of the ones I have posted saved to my “Recipes” story highlight. Still, I get the occasional request to upload them to my blog. I don’t know why I have always shied away from the idea of doing this. I guess I just don’t feel professional enough to share my recipes? But then again, am I really a professional at anything? 😉

I will say, one of my pet peeves is going to click a recipe online, and having to scroll through what seems like someones life story before I finally get to the recipe down at the bottom. I promise I will not do that to you guys. I will say though, that there is a reason why Bette’s Spaghetti is the first recipe that I am choosing to share.

My grandmother (my mom’s mom) was named Bette, but we all affectionately referred to her as Gibby. I always felt like I had a special bond with her (although if you ask any of the grandchildren, they will all say that). I was OBSESSED with her. I could not get close enough to her when I was with her. She lived in Miami with my grandfather Howard, who we affectionately called Doodles, because he was an amazing artist. Whenever we would visit them, she would always make spaghetti for dinner one of the nights we were there. She served it with some delicious garlic bread (Gibby was Spanish, and in true Spanish fashion served bread with every meal). I cannot make or eat this dish without thinking of her, and it always puts a smile on my face.

Nowadays, this meal has become one of my dad’s signature dishes, too. My dad is many things: breakfast extraordinaire, grill master, ice cream king, but when it comes to cooking dinner, we typically leave that to the true chef – my mom. However, whenever we visit my parents in Beaufort now, there is always a night reserved for Bette’s Spaghetti, cooked by my dad. I know I said I had a special bond with Gibby, but there was no one that Gibby OR Doodles loved more than their son in law, my dad.

My precious Doodles and Gibby

Anyhoo, I’ve already been rambling too long. The other reason (apart from it being a special recipe to me) that I am sharing this, is that it’s so easy. It requires minimal chopping, and cooks in under 30 minutes. There’s nothing crazy special about the recipe. There’s no “grandma’s secret ingredient.” In fact, you could probably find many just like it online. It’s just good ole comforting spaghetti and meat sauce. Perfect for a weeknight, and if you’re cooking for 1 or 2 people, you’ll absolutely have leftovers.

Cook Time: 30 Minutes

Serves: 4

-1lb Italian sausage
-1 yellow onion
-1 garlic clove minced
-1 30oz can tomato sauce
-1 14.5oz can diced tomatoes
-1 4oz can tomato paste
-Italian seasoning to taste
-Salt and pepper
-2 bay leaves
-1 package of spaghetti


-Brown Italian sausage in a large sauce pan over medium heat and drain.

-Add onion and cook for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add garlic and cook for 30 seconds.

-Add tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, salt & pepper, Italian seasoning, and bay leaves. Stir thoroughly. Bring to a simmer.

-While sauce is simmering (remember to stir occasionally), cook spaghetti one minute LESS than the lowest time recommended on the box. For example, if the box says to cook for 9-11 minutes, cook for 8 minutes (this is if you like your pasta al dente). Once pasta is cooked, drain the water and immediately rinse noodles with cold water to stop them from cooking.

-Add tomato paste to the sauce and heat through while stirring for about 1 minute.

-Serve over spaghetti (with parmesan cheese and garlic bread if desired).