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Chipotle Chicken Salad Recipe

I made this ALL THE TIME when I was pregnant, because it is so easy and I couldn’t eat deli meat. Now that I’m not pregnant, I’m still finding myself gravitating towards it, because it only takes 20 minutes and then I’ve got lunch for at least 4 days. Plus Jay and Hollings both love it.

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Makes: 8 sandwiches

-1 Rotisserie chicken shredded
-3 hard boiled eggs chopped
-1 celery rib chopped
-1/4 cup chopped red onion
-Mayo to taste (I do about half a cup to a cup until I get the consistency I want)
-Salt and pepper to taste
-Pimentos (optional)
-Chipotle powder to taste (I use a TON)

Combine all of the above ingredients in a bowl and serve over salad, on a wrap, between a toasted bagel, on some good old fashioned bread, whatever your heart desires.