You guys know that I don’t like to spend unnecessary money. To me, paying someone to do my nails when I am fully capable of doing them myself is a waste. I’m not saying that I NEVER get my nails done. Of course I do. I would always go before proms, I went before my wedding, and I do enjoy the occasional nail dates with my mom, sister, and friends, but that’s more about enjoying an outing together. I’m not a girl who gets her nails done religiously every week.
Not only does it save money, but it also saves time. I can quickly do my nails while Hollings naps and I don’t have to leave the house. Devoting an hour once a week to get my nails done while Jay stays home with Hollings is pretty much out of the question right now.
The biggest response I hear when I tell people that I do my own nails is, “Oh I could never – I am so bad at it.” Like most things in life, becoming better at doing your own nails takes practice. I’m going to show you step by step how I do my nails at home.
- Remove all of your old nail polish
Make sure it is all gone before moving on to the next step.

2. File your nails
I don’t like super square nails, but I also don’t like super round nails, so I do somewhat of a rounded square.

3. Push back your cuticles
Not a lot of people do this when they do their own nails, but to me, this step is a must.

4. Apply a base coat
This is another one that people tend to skip over, but this will help your nails last longer than they would without it.

5. Apply first coat of color
Self explanatory.

6. Apply second coat of color
I always always always do at least two coats of color. One coat looks sloppy and just doesn’t last long.

7. Apply top coat to the top of your nail
Make sure you really get it on the very top and even a little on the inside. Nails always seem to chip from the top, and this extra layer on the top/inside will help prevent that.
8. Apply top coat all over the nail
Not only does this prevent chipping, but it makes the color look so much smoother.
9. Wait at least 15 minutes before using your hands
I’d be lying if I said I follow this one myself, but in a different world where I didn’t have a 1 year old, I would absolutely follow it.

I hope this little how-to helped you out. To me, cutting out the weekly nail salon trip is a no brainer when it comes to budgeting. Remember, they might not look amazing the first time you try it, but just keep practicing.