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How To Properly Load A Dishwasher

Okay, I know what y’all are thinking. About half of you are thinking, “This is the dumbest blog post ever.” The other half of you are thinking, “There’s a proper way to load a dishwasher?” Yes, my friends. Yes there is. 

I mean, maybe there’s not an official way to load a dishwasher, but there is a way to do it so that you can wash the maximum amount of dishes you possibly can (which is good for the environment and for your wallet). 

If the photo below looks something like how you load your dishwasher, keep reading to figure out what you’re doing wrong.

When I’m cleaning the kitchen after dinner, I have a certain order I like to rinse and load things. First, I do all of the big utensils. These aren’t the regular forks and spoons. These are the giant serving utensils, the spatulas, the tongs, etc. I lay them flat on the top part of the washing machine all together. If it is a giant mixing spoon, or something with a curve like that, I always put it facedown so that there isn’t a gross puddle of dishwater sitting in it. 

Next, I do the cups and mugs. Again, these go facedown so there’s not watery grossness in them afterwards. I’ll put some of these on top of the handles of the large utensils. Then, if there is room up top still, I will put some bowls facedown up there, too.

When loading the bottom, I put all of my small plates in the front right, because the soap compartment won’t open if large plates are in the way. I put the large plates in the front left. 

The bowls go in the back of the bottom. The go diagonal in alternating directions, almost like a braid. See photo below for what I’m talking about.

As for regular utensils, they go in the little utensil thing. Forks and spoons face upwards, while butter knives face downwards (for obvious reasons). I don’t wash my real knives in the dishwasher, because it dulls them. I always wash those by hand.

Now, if there is any room, I fill in the gaps with anything else I would otherwise wash by hand. I put them in the size appropriate spots. For example, a small tupperware lid would go with the small plates, while my large cutting board would go with the large plates. Mixing bowls would go with the bowls, and pots and pans go wherever there’s enough room for them.

Anything that doesn’t fit, I just wash by hand because I hate a dirty kitchen. I also always wash my wine glasses by hand, because they break easily. 

I realize that some of you probably still think that this is the dumbest blog post ever written, but if I have enlightened at least one of you, I have done my job!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Pops

    Jenius! Haha!

  2. Cheryl Wolfe

    I enjoyed how to load a dish washer. I can pack dishes in, but you do need to leave enough room so the water can get to all the dishes. Your looked perfect. 😊

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