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Prenatal Vitamins and Why They Are Important

For those of you who do not know, prenatal vitamins are vitamins that you take when you are pregnant that are jam packed with nutrients that help your baby grow and develop the way they should. You might be thinking, “Why is she talking about prenatals when she already had her baby?” What a lot of people don’t know is that if you are breastfeeding, you should continue to take your prenatal vitamins to make sure you are still passing on all of the nutrients to your baby.

Prenatal vitamins give baby everything he/she needs through certain vitamins and minerals that might not regularly be in your nutrition intake. They help baby’s teeth and bones get nice and strong. In addition to helping baby, they also reduce risks for pregnancy complications.

If you are formula feeding your baby, you don’t need to worry about taking prenatal vitamins after baby is born, because the formula will have all of that already. However, if breastmilk is your baby’s only source of food, you’ll want to continue to take them to make sure that baby continues to get everything they need to help them grow. An added benefit: rumor has it that they make your nails and hair thicker!

Prenatal vitamin that I like:

Nature Made Prenatal

Prenatal vitamins that I did not like (for no other reason than the fact that they made me nauseated):

Prenatal 1

Rainbow Light Prenatal