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The Not-So-Glamorous Life of a Stay at Home Mom

I feel like it’s easy for moms to see other moms (especially moms on instagram) and feel like they have it all together. Let me be the first to tell you that NOBODY has it 100% together 100% of the time. On the other side of the spectrum, I have friends who want to know what I could POSSIBLY be doing all day being a SAHM. While I am not one to religiously stick to our kids’ schedules 24/7, I am going to write out what a day in the life looks like when we do stick to the schedule (when we do the whole schedule, you’ll see there isn’t much time to do anything apart from the schedule aka taking care of babies).

7:00am- Hollings and William wake up and I change both of their diapers (Hollings still sleeps/naps in a diaper).

7:10am- Nurse William.

7:30am- Pump breastmilk and store it in the freezer. Then clean pump parts.

8:00am- Make Hollings breakfast.

8:15am- Make William’s baby food. Then clean baby food processor.

8:45am- Feed William his baby food.

9:00am- Change William’s diaper and put him down for a nap.

9:15am- Get ready, make the beds, go to the grocery store with Hollings while William is sleeping.

11:00am- William wakes up and I nurse him/change his diaper.

11:30am- Make lunch for me, Hollings and Jay.

12:00pm- Feed William baby food.

12:30pm- Put Hollings down for her nap.

1pm- Put William down for a nap.

1:15pm- Do as much around the house as possible. This usually includes watering plants, going through mail/packages, cleaning the kitchen from breakfast and lunch, doing laundry, picking up Hollings toys/cleaning the house.

3:00pm- Hollings and William wake up and I change their diapers.

3:10pm- Nurse William.

3:40pm- I try to leave a window open in the afternoon to do something fun with the kids/get out of the house. This could be going to the pool/park/beach/getting ice cream/etc. If I don’t want to leave my house that day, we might do something like tie dye/painting/jumping in the bouncy house/etc.

4:00pm- Feed William baby food. I usually pack some in my diaper bag and give it to him while we’re out if we are doing something outside of the house that afternoon.

5:00pm- Change William’s diaper and put him down for a nap (babies sleep a lot).

5:15pm- Cook dinner for my fam.

6:00pm- William wakes up and I change his diaper

6:15pm- Eat dinner (this time is different everyday – I always start cooking at 5:00, so depending on how much time and effort dinner that night takes, we might eat later or earlier).

6:30pm- Give William a bath and get him ready for bed.

7:00pm- Nurse him and put him down for the night.

7:30pm- Give Hollings a bath and get her ready for bed.

8:00pm- Put Hollings down for the night.

8:30pm- Clean kitchen from dinner.

9:00pm- The only time of the day where I allow myself to be lazy and just focus on me. This usually includes getting ready for bed and watching netflix.

So there you have it! Simply just keeping your kids fed and alive takes the entire day. Like I said before, we don’t stick to this schedule everyday, otherwise we would never leave the house for longer than an hour at a time. Sometimes we just have to fake it until we make it, and that’s just fine with me! Keeping the schedule keeps me sane, but at the same time, breaking the schedule every now and then keeps me sane. It’s all about finding a balance that works for you.