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TriDerma Baby

If you are not yet a mama, you might not know that babies have CRAZY sensitive skin. This is true for Hollings. The simplest things cause her skin to break out. For a month or so, we thought she had an egg allergy, because whenever I fed her scrambled eggs, she would get a rash around her mouth. It turns out that she’s not allergic to eggs, but when the egg would touch her sensitive skin, she would break out. 

Many of you have seen from my instagram that we have been taking Hollings on a ton of outdoor excursions this summer (boat rides, trips to the zoo, etc.). All of these outdoor activities have required us to put sunscreen on her.

DISCLAIMER: You should not put sunscreen on a baby younger than 6 months old.

I did my research and looked up the best sunscreen for babies. Below is a picture of the rash Hollings got after applying the “top baby sunscreen.” 

As Hollings’ mother, this obviously concerned me greatly. That is why I am so glad that I discovered TriDerma Baby. Their products are fragrance free and use Aloe Vera, along with other maximum strength natural botanicals. I particularly love their baby lotion and aloe gel. For all of you non-mamas, they carry non-baby products, as well. It makes me so happy to have found products that don’t cause my sweet girl to break out. Check them out by clicking the link below.